

In the present time, the lifestyle of people has become quite hectic. Therefore, it is easier for them to get into unhealthy habits. Throughout the developed world, coronary heart disease is the foremost cause of morbidity and mortality.

In recent times, a significant rise has also been observed among young adults. High consumption of cholesterol, leading a sedentary life, stress, anxiety and smoking are some of the common causes which leads to the deposition of toxins (ama) in the arteries.


Our treatment includes lifestyle modifications, Panchakarma (detoxification) therapy and internal - external medicines. We use different Panchakarma techniques to remove the toxins. Also we use Rasayana therapy as followed by these treatments. We all knows that prevention is better than cure, with this treatment we can avoid further heart problems.
We have our own special medicines, and we also customize medicine according to the conditions and requirements of the patients. Medicines vary with condition of the patient.


The treatment duration may vary up to 3 months and continue the medication for 6 months-1 year. Rare cases it may take some more time.


Our treatment and medicines are equally good in hypertension and hypotension (low and high blood pressure. It helps to normalize heart beat rate.
Cholesterol level can be controlled and corrected to normalcy.
We help to lead a normal life by improving quality of living.
To know more about treatment plan book an appointment now.